The Site

The Site

The Site is approximately 9.42 hectares located to the north of Cranfield, off Crawley Road, opposite Cranfield United Football Club.

With existing development adjoining the sites southern and eastern boundaries

The Site is a 15-20 minute walk from Holywell Middle School (which is proposed to become a Secondary School from 2026) and

Cranfield Church of England Academy (St Paul Site), with a whole range of services and facilities in the heart of Cranfield also nearby.

The Site is a 5-minute walk from frequent bus services on Mill Road, which route via the centre of Cranfield and onward to Milton

Keynes, Cranfield University and Bedford (Services C1/C10/C11).

A public right of way runs through the western part of the Site, from Crawley Road towards Bourne End.

View from within the Site looking south west towards properties along Bourne End Road and Crawley Road

Planning Policy Context

Every Council is required by the Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in the light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

Central Bedfordshire Council is required to provide enough housing land to meet its full future housing needs. Approval of this development will help towards meeting the housing need within the local authority area.

Site Location Plan