FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

What Happens Next?

Hallam Land will review feedback received to the consultation and determine what changes need to be made to the masterplan and what additional information may need to be provided.

Your comments will be reflected as part of Statement of Community Involvement, which will be submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council as part of a planning application.

What are your timescales?

Hallam do not have firm timescales for the submission of an application. The purpose of this consultation is to refine our proposals so that, should the opportunity to submit arise, the development proposals respond to local residents feedback

Will Hallam Land build the scheme?

No – Hallam Land is promoting the Site via the planning process, via agreement with the landowner. Subject to the grant of outline planning permission, the Site would be marketed and sold to a house builder.

What is an outline planning application / outline planning permission?

An outline planning application seeks to establish the principle of developing the Site for residential use. The detailed appearance and architecture of the individual homes, layout and landscaping are ‘reserved matters’ for future determination, and will depend on further applications to Central Bedfordshire Council before work could start on the Site. Outline planning permission would need to be secured in the first instance.

What mix of housing is proposed?

The site will deliver a range of house types and sizes, however the mix is not fixed at this stage and will depend on local needs and the views of Central Bedfordshire Council’s housing
officer. Central Bedfordshire’s Local Plan does require 30% affordable, including 10% self-build plots. There may also be the opportunity to include homes to meet particular needs, e.g. homes for the elderly and downsizers, which is why bungalows are being proposed as part of this scheme.

Will you consider traffic impacts and highway safety?

Yes – a Transport Assessment is being prepared to review traffic generation from the new homes, the impact on local junctions and a review of safety and accident records in Cranfield. This will be subject to scrutiny from Central Bedfordshire Council, as local highway authority.

Where improvements are required to junctions or routes these will need to be delivered or funded by the developer.

Have you considered impacts on the environment?

Yes – specialists are advising on the full range of environmental issues, including ecology, heritage, archaeology, flood risk, landscape, drainage, land quality, air quality and noise. The outcome of these assessments will form part of the submitted planning application.

How will you address the impact on local services and facilities (e.g. healthcare and schools)

Where shortfalls are identified by providers as a consequence of the scheme, the developer will need to fund improvements. This funding would be secured as part of a legal agreement tied
to the granting of any planning permission (known as a Section 106 Agreement).

Who will manage the green spaces and drainage areas proposed?

The developer will set up and fund a Management Company to take on and maintain these parts of the site. Alternatively, the developer will provide funding (known as commuted sums) for
the Council or local community to manage these spaces. This would be secured as part of the legal agreement tied to the grant of planning permission.

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